
Friday 17 June 2011

Beet the Beets

This week we harvested some beetroot as it was looking pretty big and had come right to the surface.  So far we have been quite successful with the beetroot haul and have had no problems growing it or harvesting it.  Last year the beetroot looked like this:
 Which I thought was a fairly decent size and this year, we grew them in a different part of the allotment, next to the potatoes and this is what we have:

 So a bit of difference in size but full of flavour and already consumed.  Now ive got to decide whether to pickle them again or store them in some other way because there is going to be a lot of beetroot as you can see from this photo taken a few weeks ago:

And in other news....

Only 10 days late but we now have a shed on the allotment and it looks like this:

 So I am pretty chuffed with it and now need to make sure it is secure for putting all of our tools in and weather protect it, if it ever stops raining!


  1. I love beetroot! I think eating beetroot is quite addictive - can't stop!

  2. I think ours will be ready for harvesting in the next week or so, going to try a chutney or something this year all being well.

    Great looking shed too! :)

  3. Those beets look great! I'm fairly new to your blog, so apologies if you've detailed this in a past post... how did you grow your beetroot...? Did you sow indoors and plant out, or just sow directly outside? (feel free to direct me to an old post if that's easier). Thanks :)
